IOQM 2023 Blueberry Mock One

21 July 20232 minutesviews

This article contains spoilers for the mock test.

I recommend attempting the problems before proceeding to read the article. You can download the problems and the answer key using the buttons below.

This is the fifth IOQM Mock test from MOMC. The problems are collected from CMC 2018 AMC 10 A and CMC ARML 2020. All the credit and authorship of the problems belongs to their respective sources.

My friends told me that the recent mocks were too hard, especially the 5 markers. So I have tried my best to lower their level while still keeping them challenging enough. Aside from that, I changed the mock formatting again. I have put all the ten 2 markers on the same page to make it overwhelming. Moreover the 5 markers are spread over only 2 pages, instead of the usual 3. Lastly, I was busy with my school exams this week, so I wasn't be able to review any problems from the mock this time.

This is the CODS difficulty rating for today's mock:
