IOQM 2023 Cake Mock One

24 August 20233 minutesviews

This article contains spoilers for the mock test.

I recommend attempting the problems before proceeding to read the article. You can download the problems and the answer key using the buttons below.

This is the ninth IOQM Mock test from MOMC. The problems are collected from ARML 2021, ARML Local 2021 and BmMT 2013. All the credit and authorship of the problems belongs to their respective sources.

It is that time of the year again when that dreadful IOQM is nearing rapidly. I feel that the time is ripe to relieve the tension: IOQM is a lot easier than most of you seem to believe. Firstly, the majority of the difficulty is caused by overthinking. So don't stress out. Secondly, most of my mocks have had unrealistic difficulty, so you can forget any low score that you might have assumed there.

Even though this mock might seem like a piece of cake (did you see what I did there?), I would hardly call it a confidence booster. Still, don't let your guard down. Be prepared to fight like a warrior that you are!

Coming to the mock, I named it Cake (on the recommendation of my good friend Aarav) instead of the earlier decided name 'Cherry' because I wanted to celebrate the recent phenomenal success of the blog. We have acquired an earth-shattering 8000 views and 3000 downloads! I genuinely never expected the blog to get this popular.

Apart from that, the mock features ARML which is one of, if not the most IOQM-flavoured computational olympiad out there. So consider grinding problems from it. I designed the mock to be easier than usual, so it serves like a nice C\textbf{C}herry on top of the Cake\textbf{Cake} (Okay I had my fun). I feel that the 2 and 3 markers are of appropriate difficulty, whereas the difficulty distribution for the 5 markers should favour the non-geo mains :)

This is the CODS difficulty rating for the mock:


Life Update: I guess this has now become the 'informal' section of my blog. My teammate Malay and I have cleared the preliminary round of Pravega Enumeration! We are one of the 9 finalist teams who will participate in the finals at IISc Bangalore :D

Also, as I am busy this week due to SAT, there would only be one final mock after this. It would probably drop in the beginning of next week. Stay tuned for the epic finale of this year's season!